A second vehicle finally arrives...
Taking advantage of the PBC rules that allow a RHD vehicle to be taken as long as it's an ambulance, we've bought one. Alex reports: "Ambulance running well and sat on my drive, no serious knocks or rattles and made the journey from Caerphilly without a hitch. In summary: Clutch good, Brakes need bleeding, Handbrake needs adjusting Steering ok, Lights ok but indicator needs fixing, Engine Cooling system ok. Engine sounds fine and ticks over nicely. Excellent twin battery arrangement. No apparent oil / fluid leaks. Good internal lights. Internal heating good. Oxygen system and shaver point. No whines or knocks. Exhaust new. Enough space to have a dinner party. Tyres not great. Interior and exterior good. Clock slow. No radio. Plenty of power but not much ground clearance. No serious apparent rot. Manual ner naa ner naa noise."
So there. The keener eyed among you will also have noted the new colour scheme for the jeep: more details of the associated fundraising to follow. As always, more details on the website.