We are 4 friends, Joanne, Alex, Russell and Chris. Over the coming year we will be working with 2 charities (Health the Gambia, Pageant) to raise £10k for 2 projects in The Gambia. We want your support for our attempt to drive 3,600 miles across deserts, rivers and mountains to meet the people we are helping. Easy you think? Well maybe not...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Leaving Laayoune, Driving for Dakhla.

Laayoune reached about 1040h, 500km to go to Dakhla after an early morning drive through the fog, but desert terrain means very sporadic mobile signals, so until the carrier pigeon arrives, there's not much more to add. They've lost another petrol cap and are currently using a piece of bread wrapped in a carrier bag. I think the heat must be getting to them. Still driving at 1300: by my reckoning, barring mishaps, they should arrive around 1800h tonight. I'm bored of seeing bare text so just for your delectation, I've included a nice picture of quaint Dakhla, courtesy of Wikipedia, to spice things up. Cheers - Phil.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil, we think you are doing a wonderful job and enjoy reading the entries so keep the good work up. We managed to speak to Chris who is brother/son/all things to all people? yesterday, he was drinking something very british which technically he probably shouldn't have been, leave it to the imagination, he was however enjoying it!!! Mum,Liz et al xx

5:28 pm

Blogger IceCold2007 said...

Hello, thanks for the kind words, one does what one can, doesn't one! I'm sure Chris enjoyed his *tea* (wink wink) very much. i know he's partial to the odd cup - Phil.

7:56 pm

Blogger sis said...

Phil have you also heard about the difficulty of using toilets in the dark?? had this little bit of info from Chris before he ventures forth into the desert. Being a helpful sort of a sister did suggest a head torch might have helped but he said no the light pointed the wrong way!!The mind boggles and it may be best not to dwell on such intimate details!!

11:00 pm

Blogger IceCold2007 said...

Can't think where else you would strap a torch to illuminate the... um... job . As you say, best not to dwell on it...

7:47 am


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